Friday, December 4, 2009

Barbara Walters and her 10 Most Fascinating People

Each year I question how the list Of Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating People comes about. This year is a prime example. Lets chat about some of these people, some like

Tyler Perry who is a very talented man who worked his way from a abusive father to making millions of people laugh with his movies. Ok, I understand Tyler.

Lady Gaga who is a singer and and on her first album has had four number one hits. She is appreciated by many people who are buying her music. Lady Gaga has interesting outfits and looks for her performances, yes whether you like her music or not she is a
fascinating person.

Glen Beck, another celeb who you might agree with but he has been fascinating this year. His name has been tossed around by the White House and has lost advertisers because of his "libertarian views" and support of the tea parties but he still retains about 8 million people listening to his radio show.

I won't ramble on about the whole list but two of the women are on the list because their husbands were unfaithful. Why does this make them fascinating?

Sadly we as the public are responsible for the creation of the Kate Gosselin and the whole Gosselin tribe. The show shows her as overbearing , the one episode I watched showed her pushing her girls to have their hair braided even though a couple of the girls were crying and saying it hurt them. But she commented she did not want to have to deal with their hair in the summer. Now come on Barbara what is fascinating about this overbearing arrogant woman.
You can view the list and see what you think. Barbara Walters 10 Most fascinating people list as usual doesn't meet my fascination level.

Barbara Walters

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Steven Seagal Lawman

Steven Seagal Lawman premieres tonight on A&E. Steven has been one of my favorite actors for many years. His first few movies were outstanding Above the Law was my personal favorite. He has starred in many action movies and has a career as a singer,also.
I look forward to seeing Steven on TV as a lawman and will support him in this part of his career just as I have watched his movies, bought his movies, and his music.

His new show deals with a career as a lawman which he has been working for over twenty years and now with this reality show we will share in his experiences. I say go get the bad guys, Steven Seagal.!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

This is It! Michael Jackson Movie

I won't be going to see Michael Jackson's last performance, I am actually not a fan but he was a talented celebrity and a tormented soul according to all reports.
If Michael had lived this concert tour would have most probably have amazed and delighted all his fans, he was dedicated to his music and his fans and he worked hard to please the fans.
He left a musical legacy for the world the dancing,the music,the costumes and the amazing sets. On this tour he wanted to give a performance that astounded his fans and the world and wanted to showcase his music. The studio is looking to make tons of money,but this is a chance for Michael Jackson fans to get a glimpse of how the concert might have turned out if he had lived to perform on the concert tour.
How dies a person become so tormented that in the end they leave this world much too soon? Why do drugs become a daily part of a person's life ? the world will mourn this talented man and tormented soul. So for those fans out there see This IS It and enjoy Michael's last performances.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Patrick Swayze loses his battle with cancer!

Patrick Swayze passed away tonight. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2008, and battled the cancer with the strength we have seen in his movies over the years.
Patrick will live on in many hearts through his many movies. Who doesn't remember "Nobody puts baby in a corner". He danced his way into America's hearts while his masculine good looks endeared him to the female population. The pottery scene in Ghost was a fantasy of romance which gave many women goose bumps.
But one of the most endearing qualities of Patrick Swayze was his personal life, he was living a love story, he met his wife Lisa Niemi when they were teenagers and they were still happily married at his death. Patrick was determined to fight to stay with Lisa as long as he could,
He will be missed and my condolences and sympathy go out to his family.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus Eight and several other women

Everywhere we look it is Jon and Kate plus eight. Kate is a brash kind of cranky woman who seems to think the world revolves around her. Why? Because we as the public let her think it does. We worship her and the fact she has had eight children. Of course she is not the first to have eight,what about the octomom. She and Kate are having children to bring them fame and fortune and it is coming to them. As far as I can see, neither of these women are talented or beautiful enough to warrant the attention they are getting. Now Kate is going to be co hosting the View, of course a couple of those ladies are lacking any apparent talent, so I guess it is not a stretch.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Congratulations to Jim Carrey

The latest news about comedian Jim Carrey is that he will be a Grandpa soon. Jane Carey, his 21 year old daughter is expecting her first child. Jane Carrey,who is the lead singer of the Jane Carrey Band, is expecting with longtime boyfriend and fellow musician Alex Santana.
Jim Carrey is very excited about the whole matter.
Best wishes to both Jim and Jane Carrey.

**EXCLUSIVE** Jim Carreys daughter Jane Carrey performs barefoot at the Cat Club