Monday, September 14, 2009

Patrick Swayze loses his battle with cancer!

Patrick Swayze passed away tonight. He was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2008, and battled the cancer with the strength we have seen in his movies over the years.
Patrick will live on in many hearts through his many movies. Who doesn't remember "Nobody puts baby in a corner". He danced his way into America's hearts while his masculine good looks endeared him to the female population. The pottery scene in Ghost was a fantasy of romance which gave many women goose bumps.
But one of the most endearing qualities of Patrick Swayze was his personal life, he was living a love story, he met his wife Lisa Niemi when they were teenagers and they were still happily married at his death. Patrick was determined to fight to stay with Lisa as long as he could,
He will be missed and my condolences and sympathy go out to his family.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus Eight and several other women

Everywhere we look it is Jon and Kate plus eight. Kate is a brash kind of cranky woman who seems to think the world revolves around her. Why? Because we as the public let her think it does. We worship her and the fact she has had eight children. Of course she is not the first to have eight,what about the octomom. She and Kate are having children to bring them fame and fortune and it is coming to them. As far as I can see, neither of these women are talented or beautiful enough to warrant the attention they are getting. Now Kate is going to be co hosting the View, of course a couple of those ladies are lacking any apparent talent, so I guess it is not a stretch.