Thursday, October 29, 2009

This is It! Michael Jackson Movie

I won't be going to see Michael Jackson's last performance, I am actually not a fan but he was a talented celebrity and a tormented soul according to all reports.
If Michael had lived this concert tour would have most probably have amazed and delighted all his fans, he was dedicated to his music and his fans and he worked hard to please the fans.
He left a musical legacy for the world the dancing,the music,the costumes and the amazing sets. On this tour he wanted to give a performance that astounded his fans and the world and wanted to showcase his music. The studio is looking to make tons of money,but this is a chance for Michael Jackson fans to get a glimpse of how the concert might have turned out if he had lived to perform on the concert tour.
How dies a person become so tormented that in the end they leave this world much too soon? Why do drugs become a daily part of a person's life ? the world will mourn this talented man and tormented soul. So for those fans out there see This IS It and enjoy Michael's last performances.