Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Boo Hoo Michael Bolton!

Why is Michael Bolton such a whiner? He is so upset that Bruno,one of the judges on Dancing with The Stars criticized his dancing. He said Bolton's jive was the worst in the history of the show. Now Michael Bolton is offended, come on if you get that offended then you do not belong on this show. Criticism is what it is all about especially if you are bad, and  Michael Bolton was BAD. 
At his age, he should be able to accept criticism, and get on with it, not demand an apology and expect to see Bruno reprimanded because he was doing his job. Bruno has the expertise in this field, you do not.
Michael, you are not the first person to be judged for your bad performance. Move on and stop whining!

 Michael Bolton dancing his disaster of a Jive.

Michael Bolton and the Jive Disaster

Bruno Critical of Michael Bolton
Bruno Tonioli  talking about  Michael Bolton dancing!

Michael Bolton whining on Good America!

Michael Bolton Whining on Good Morning America

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