Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Katey Sagal Wins Golden Globe!

I was happy to see Katey Sagal win the Golden Globes. I have been a fan of Katey's for a long time.
I first watched her as the big-haired loud-mouthed Peggy Bundy. She was funny and made her character unique and memorable.

Katey is also talented as a voice actor in Futurama, her character Leela reminds you a little of Peggy Bundy in the future. Once again Katey makes Leela one of my favorite characters on the show.

Another one of my favorite roles for Katey was in Eight Simple Rules.She played the Mom who returned to a nursing career after staying home while her children were young.

She also is a talented singer and has released two albums of her own.
Katey has talent in both comedy and drama. In Boston Legal she played the mother of a son accused of murder, and the story line she was involved in was intense and gave you another view of her talent.

I read an interview she did in Redbook, I believe. She talked about her life and raising her children. One of the points she made was the fact that she wanted Kurt her husband to have a child. Since she felt that at her age surrogacy would be a better option, They have a beautiful little girl Esme.

At this time she plays Gemma Teller Morrow on Sons of Anarchy. This show is written by her husband Kurt Sutter. He is a multi talented guy. Without a doubt Katey deserved the Golden Globe for her role in this intense driven show. Congratulations to you Katey from a long time fan!

"I'd been looking for a more dramatic role. I've done comedy most of my career, which I love, but I wanted to expand. And "Sons of Anarchy" (2008) came along, and is sort of a dream job, really, a dream character to play. It's so different from other roles I've played, and it's been challenging, which is just what I wanted."
Katey Sagal

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