Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is Kimora Lee expecting Djimon Honsu's baby?

CK underwear model Djimon Hounsou might seriously be knocking up Kimora Lee Simmons, as she has just filed divorce papers to be with him. Congratulations to the expecting parents.

Kimora’s husband Russell Simmons is a hip-hop mogul.

The 32-year-old Baby Phat fashion designer and reality TV star cited irreconcilable differences. She and Russell Simmons, 50, have two daughters: 8-year-old Ming Lee and 5-year-old Aoki Lee.

What a difference a twenty years has amde for Djimon.Moving from Benin, Africa, to Paris as a teenager and unable to find work, Hounsou ended up a vagrant, sleeping under bridges, washing in fountains, begging for money and surviving on bin scraps for dinner.
After French fashion designer Thierry Mugler discovered and used Hounsou as a model, he transferred to acting, and now has two Oscar nominations under his belt for Blood Diamond( an outstanding performance as a father searching for his missing child in a country full of danger)and the other nominations was for In America(He plays a reclusive man who helps an Immigrant Irish family in many ways)
In February 24, 2007, it was announced that Hounsou will be the new Calvin Klein Underwear model. Starting with the Fall 2007 season, he is featured in the brand’s global print advertising campaign including the launch of their new Calvin Klein Steel product line.

In Hollywood, or ‘‘La La Land'' as Hounsou refers to it, there is a daily battle to survive the fickle entertainment industry. But Hounsou has weathered bigger storms then that.

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