Sunday, January 24, 2010

Neil Young on Conan O Brien

I have been a fan of Neil Young since I was a teenager,many years ago. Neil has played through various modalities, vinyl, 8 track, cassette, and now DVD. He is a talented man and a good man. When Conan O Brien started having problems Neil was the first person to call and give his support. That doesn't surprise me, I think Neil would be glad to offer support to someone he felt needed it. So it was fitting that He was on the last Tonight show for Conan. He performed Long May You Run( an outstanding song) and then he was going to perform with Dave Matthews on the Telethon for Haiti.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Conan and Will Farrell Last Show

I am a long time Conan O Brien fan. I am one of his older fans, I am 58, so I am a senior citizen fan, but I love Conan. I enjoy his humor and find him a very talented guy. Conan did his last show as the host of Tonight show on NBC. The performance of Free Bird was outstanding for the end. Will Farrell, of course he got his cow bell in and Conan got to play his guitar. Billy Gibbons from ZZ Top was there to perform. Also performing with them was Beck, another talented musician. My hope for Conan is that he gets another opportunity to entertain us. Laughter is such a valuable commodity, and we should take every chance to enjoy a good laugh.
So I will be anticipating the return of Conan because with his talents he will be
missed even for a short time.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Conan And NBC Robin Williams Guests

Robin Williams guested on Conan O'Brien last night and he was hilarious. He was upbeat,and looked great. Check out the videos.
Robin and Conan O'Brien dance the Irish jig. Don't miss both parts


Conan O'Brien Last of his Tonight Shows

This is Conan O'Brien's last week as host of the Tonight Show. He is a very talented comedian and writer, and he has entertained us in so many ways. He wrote for Saturday Night Live, The Simpsons,to name two of the big ones. Then he hosted Conan on Late Night,and a made us laugh for over 16 years, and for too short of a time as the host of the Tonight Show.
Conan has given much laughter and I wish him luck in his next endeavor. Take a look at his premiere show.