Monday, October 29, 2007

Memories of Porter Wagoner Opry Legend Dies

Another Musical legend passes away. Porter Wagoner passed away yesterday of lung cancer. Porter has a amazing career spanning over fifty years of hits and musical beauty.
Porter was a country music legend, He had just released his last album this year at the age of 79.This album called Wagonmaster in honor of his band was built around a song Johnny Cash wrote for him,"Committed to Parkview. It is a story song about a first-person account of a tenant of Nashville`s legendary sanitarium, listening in on the tormented cries of his fellow inmates.
For many years Porter had his own show and for 7 or 8 of those years Dolly Parton was a big part of it. There were some hard feelings when she left but they were able to get beyond that. Dolly visited Porter in the hospital. They were an amazing duo together, just as amazing as they both are solo
His showmanship over the years was a phenomena part of entertainment. His flashy suits and musical style were amazing to watch.
Another Music legend has left the building. Rest in peace Porter.

Memories of Porter Wagoner

Memories Of Porter Wagoner-David Letterman Show

Memories Of Porter Wagoner

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