Saturday, October 27, 2007

The New Star Trek Movie-No Captain Kirk.

The New Star Trek Movie-No Captain Kirk.

I am a long time Star Trek fan, much longer then I care to admit. Now I am not a star trek convention attendee, but I do love the show and the characters. Of course one of my favorite is THE MAN Captain James T Kirk, the babe magnet of Outer Space.
As I grow older I still find him very sexy, and I have followed his career and been a loyal fan. TJ Hooker and now Boston Legal are two of my favorite shows.
But even though this new Star Trek movie is a prequel with a young James T Kirk, there is room for Mr Spock, Leonard Nimoy. Nothing against Leonard, I think he is great. But there should be part for William Shatner, Captain Kirk in a Star Trek Movie.
"I couldn't believe it. I'm not in the movie at all. Leonard, God bless his heart, is in, but not me," Shatner, 76, told The Associated Press on Thursday. "I thought, what a decision to make, since it obviously is a decision not to make use of the popularity I have to ensure the movie has good box office. It didn't seem to be a wise business decision."
It seems like a bad decision to me, a loyal Star Trek fan, and I hope all of the multitudes of Trekkies out there will feel the same. How can there be Star Trek without Captain Kirk.
Now I do realize he died after one of the Star Trek movies, but In sci-fi there is always hope for rebirth,just like Mr Spock. So I think JJ Abrams is making a big mistake no including Captain Kirk in the New Star Trek Movie. There are tons of Shatner fans out there. But I guess time will tell.

WIlliam Shatner with Conan O Brien

Common People ; William Shatner & Joe Jackson

Lucy In the Sky with WIlliam Shatner

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