Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Michael Flatley Just Amazing

Michael Flatley was on Dancing With The Stars tonight. He was just amazing. He only does rare appearances on TV. I felt fortunate to see him perform. He gives me chills with his precision and his steps and dance form are just breathtaking. He is still Lord of the Dance to me.

Michael was ill last year and had to cancel some appearances on his tour. He makes rare appearances and I hope to have the opportunity to see him.
Some interesting facts about Michael, he was actually born in America. He has several homes one of which is Castle Hyde in Ireland which he is restoring.
His first child was born this year. He was also a Golden Gloves Boxer, and a construction worker.

Dance was in his blood. Though Michael was born and raised in the United States , he often visited family in Ireland . His mother and his maternal grandmother, Hannah Ryan, were both champion Irish dancers. Hannah taught Michael his first few steps at the age of four and always encouraged him to follow his heart and his dreams. Years later, when these dreams became reality, an empty front row seat at every show marked his silent tribute to the late grandmother he so adored.

"She once visited me in Chicago in an ice cold winter. At that time I was completely broke, working occasional jobs for a couple of bucks an hour, dreaming of becoming the greatest dancer in the world. It was she who encouraged me to make my life special and to dance. Two weeks later she died. The empty seat is a sign of my respect to her, for I believe she is still watching me."
Michael Flatley is an interesting and talented man who will amaze you with his talent and entertain you at the same time.

Michael Flatley Amazing to Watch

Michael Flatley River Dance Finale

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