Sunday, February 7, 2010

Celebrity Chat Ellen Degeneres Debuts on American Idol

Tuesday will be a big day for American Idol. Let's do a celebrity chat about this new judge. Paula Abdul was a talented choreographer and singer. What does Ellen Degeneres bring to the judging table? She is a comedian who does dance on her show? Can she sing, I don't think so. Let's face she doesn't even dance very well.
She joins a panel of judges who have a vast amount of musical expertise.

So you might ask? Why Ellen? She is a celebrity with her own show and she has a big fan following.There is the answer, Fox has hopes that some of her fan base will follow her to Idol.
Idol's popularity has been faltering, they are competing against one of the best show on TV, NCIS. Fox wants to boost their ratings, and they are hoping Ellen will bring the ratings boost they need.
Only time will tell whether they have placed high hopes on a celebrity who has no musical expertise, and whether she can deliver that ratings boost Idol needs.

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