Friday, October 19, 2007

Unusually Stupid Celebrities:Check out celebrity Solutions on World Issuess

Unusually Stupid Celebrities: A Compendium of All-Star Stupidity

We love our celebrities, they keep us entertained,help us keep our minds off our own problems. But let's face it some of them make the stupidest comments. I bought this book and I haven't stopped laughing. Check it out,you will enjoy it. Here are some of the excerpts below:


Celebrity Solution: Anus-smelling

Actor Dustin Hoffman puts his proboscis in the, er, meat of the matter when it comes to preventing war:

“When a lot of dogs are on the beach, the first thing they do is smell each other’s asses. The information that’s gotten somehow makes pacifists out of all of them. I’ve thought, ‘If only we smelled each other’s asses, there wouldn’t be any war.’ ”

(Note: Hoffman, unfortunately, did not offer further explanations on how to decipher the meaning of said ass-scents, nor did he delineate the preferred method of ass-smelling.)
World Problem #3a: The environment

Another Celebrity Solution: Shit in the woods

Drew Barrymore realizes the way to saving the environment is for all of us to live more in tune with nature. Drew—who, incidentally, earns about $15 million a film—spent some time in a primitive Chilean village for an MTV series. “I aspire to be like them more,” she raved (perhaps ignoring their high infant mortality rate and short life expectancies). Highlight of her visit?

“I took a poo in the woods hunched over like an animal. It was awesome.”
unussually Stupid Celebrities
Maybe we should let celebrities solve the world's problems


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